For Sale $97,000 - Agricultural land, Farm, Investment Property
☕️ Farm for sale in Matagalpa, Nicaragua. This is a coffee farm on 23 Acres in Matagalpa. This farm has around 30,000 mature coffee plants.
Coffee Farm on 23 Acres in Matagalpa
Property features 23 Acres or 13.25 Manzanas, Coffee farming, Access to Water and Electricity, Varieties of Coffee (pacamara, catimor) 30,000 Mature plants, Elevation of 1,100m², and Worker casita.

Three farms for sale by the family are close enough to share workers. A 9,9 mz farm has 2 certifications: Rain Forest Alliance Cert. (Starbucks Coffee) and C.A.F.E. Practices. The amazing results of this year’s harvest qualified it for the Taza De Excelencia de Nicaragua National Competition. Which is fantastic for this size of farm and differentiates it from all the others around it.
An 11 Mz farm has an owners home on site.
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