Let’s start off this months about expat life about the why on location analysis here is an article that goes in detail about taxes, infrastructure and more
When Choosing a Location in Which to Invest, Pay Close Attention to Local Issues
From tax changes to rental rules to infrastructure plans, what’s happening nearby is of utmost importance
Think globally, but buy real estate locally.
Although the economy of a country as a whole is a factor to consider when researching real estate, it’s just one of the considerations super-prime investors should take into account. They should also be examining local issues like taxation and long-term infrastructure planning as they mull the decision to invest in luxury real estate.
“Certainly, how the economies do is meaningful, but I think the local issues are critical when you’re thinking about what you’re trying to do,” said Chris Pegg, senior director of wealth planning for Wells Fargo Private Bank. “There are so many different facets of buying real estate. First and foremost, of course, is the current property tax law.”
Taxes have traditionally been a very stable kind of tax, Mr. Pegg noted. But that is not the case now, either in the U.S. or internationally.
To further read into this topic please follow the link ————> https://www.mansionglobal.com/articles/when-choosing-a-location-in-which-to-invest-pay-close-attention-to-local-issues-222120